Samara, Russia


As many of you know, in addition to its main work of production and distribution of programs, Word to Russia is involved in other ministries. Today we would like to share with you about our work in Samara Hospice. This is a Christian organization that ministers to the elderly, providing medical assistance and the testimony of the Gospel of eternal life. Last year we became acquainted with the work of the Hospice. We developed a relationship that resulted in a special project: 

"Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! We greet you with the bright and Holy day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Peace to you from Samara Hospice. Founded by Christian physicians, the Samara Hospice has been providing free aid and comfort to terminally ill patients and their families for 6 years. Under the supervision of the Hospice there are approximately 200 patients. We want to share with you the path that God has taken us in the last few months. 

The year began rather disturbingly: the decision of the administration to issue a permit for the operation of our non-profit organization was prolonged. Our minibus, used for transport of the patients broke down. Our co-laborers and family members were attacked by illness. But by the mercy of our Lord, step-by-step we continued our services and the Lord helped us along this path providing His protection. We received the necessary operating certificate for the next five years. 

The Lord looked after our need in an automobile through Word to Russia. And finally, the Lord strengthened and healed the co-workers through His mercy. During this time we had the privilege of expressing God’s love and kindness to those who were in the midst of suffering and despair. When people reach the point of desperation, they often loose the clarity to talk, to listen, to think. And only by walking with them day by day we can become friends and share the Gospel. We never kept a count of all who responded to God’s call. But people find salvation in those circumstances and the Lord knows the number.

Recently there were two patients who accepted the Lord’s saving grace by faith and repentance. It is difficult to describe the joy and peace of these ladies as they died. The only thing we could hear from them upon entering their room was thanksgiving that they were children of God and were going to be in His home eternally. These types of experiences are a great joy and our reward. We would like you to share our gratitude to God that He has helped us to this time and place. Pray that we may continue to be empowered by God and have wisdom as we minister to the dying, so they may enter eternal life. Pray Lord’s protection over our co-workers and that He will continue to meet the needs of the Hospice. May the heavenly father bless you! Olga Korkunova, Samara Hospice."